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If you're interested in speaking on any of these subjects:
Post session ideas for WordCamp UK 2010 below.
* Each session is nominally 45 minutes long within a 1 hour period.
* If it's a new proposed session add it below along with your name.
* Precede names with flags to indicate:
** Idea - My idea and looking for speakers.
** Speaker - Will lead the session (if jointly post all names).
* The deadline for additions is 29 January 2009.
* To lead a session you must have a ticket for WordCamp UK 2010 and, obviously, be present for the relevant session.
* The inclusion of any topic at the event will be confirmed by listing in the [[2010_running_order|running order]].
* To avoid breaking links do not edit the previously posted h2 session headings on this page.
* Always add new ideas at the end.
* Add you name and contact details after the relevant subject below
* If it's a new subject add it below along with your details
<!-- * <span style="padding:1px 4px;background:#ffffff;color:#808080;border:1px solid #808080;font-size:0.7em;">BC</span> = session added, BarCamp style, during the event -->
Please follow the same format as [[2009_content_ideas|2009]].
The inclusion of any topic at the event will be confirmed by listing in the running order.
Please note to take part in a presentation you must be an attendee (ie have a ticket) for WordCamp UK 2010.
(Please don't edit the currently posted h2 headings of sessions, since this will break links)
== WordHack ==
== WordHack ==
Teams build useful and WordPressy plugins etc and demonstrate the results to all attendees.
Teams build useful and WordPressy plugins etc and demonstrate the results to all attendees.
Idea: [http://tonyscott.org.uk/ Tony Scott]
Session leader: Shaun Hare
If you're interested in taking part in this year's WordHack [[WordHack_UK_2010|add your name and project idea]].
== Site doctors: Let the experts help you! ==
== Site doctors: Let the experts help you! ==
Does your site feel off-colour? We can help! An active group discussion on how to improve your site including some great tips and tricks for all WordPress users.
Does your site feel off-colour? We can help! An active group discussion on how to improve your site including some great tips and tricks for any WordPress user, designer or developer.
<b>Design/CSS:</b> [http://jonnya.net/ Jonny Allbut (Jonnya)]
A call for sites to be submitted will be made nearer the conference - don't be scared, we are here to give you constructive feedback to improve your site.
<b>SEO/Traffic building:</b> (TBC - possibly will be [http://www.newredbook.com/ Nick Garner])
Creative/CSS: [http://jonnya.net/ Jonny Allbut (Jonnya)]
<!-- SEO/Traffic building: ([http://www.newredbook.com/ Nick Garner]) -->
<b>WordPress Structure/Security:</b> TBC
WordPress Structure/Security: [http://twitter.com/caridi John Read (@Caridi)] 
<b>PHP Coding/Plugins:</b> TBC
General WordPress stuff: [http://michaelrawlins.co.uk/ Mike Rawlins]
PHP Coding - Templates/Plugins: [http://jordanh.net/ Jordan Hatch (1jh)]
==Managing multiple WP instances==
==Managing multiple WP instances==
What are the challenges of managing multiple instances of WordPress on behalf of your clients/others? What strategies and tools do people use to manage these challenges. Follows on from the 2009 WordHack UnifiedDashboard session. Discussion forum rather than presentation. ([http://twitter.com/johnthegeo John Adams]).
What are the challenges of managing multiple instances of WordPress on behalf of your clients/others? What strategies and tools do people use to manage these challenges? Follows on from the 2009 WordHack UnifiedDashboard session. Discussion forum rather than presentation. Speaker/discussion leader: [http://twitter.com/johnthegeo John Adams].
== WordPress theme frameworks and template tricks ==
== WordPress theme frameworks and template tricks ==
This will be a session aimed at anyone interested WordPress template design - find out how to create your own unique, flexible design to set your site apart from the crowd! An introduction to theme file structure and logic, followed by a look at a theme framework and how to modify. I'll also cover some nice tips and tricks for more advanced theme developers.
This will be a session aimed at anyone interested WordPress template design - find out how to create your own unique, flexible design to set your site apart from the crowd! An introduction to theme file structure and logic, followed by a look at a theme framework and how to modify. I'll also cover some nice tips and tricks for more advanced theme developers. Speaker: [http://jonnya.net/ Jonny Allbut (Jonnya)]
[http://jonnya.net/ Jonny Allbut (Jonnya)]
== Introduction to WordPress ==
Beginners start here - the basics compressed into 45 minutes! Idea: [http://tonyscott.org.uk/ Tony Scott]
== Quickfire show and tell ==
An opportunity for all attendees to briefly introduce themselves. Also have board so attendees can post written details of name, URI, role (developer, blogger, etc) and tags for their interests. (I'll remember this time to hand over to Simon D if he wants to lead this session!) Idea: [http://tonyscott.org.uk/ Tony Scott]
== Great Plugins (WOW Plugins?) ==
Showcase of really useful and excellent plugins people may have missed or are just unaware of. For example the much talked about RoleScoper plugin which was highlighted during my NHS presentation and the new Inline-Comment tool being developed by Mike Little.
Idea: [http://mkjones.co.uk/ Michael Kimb Jones]
== Introduction to BuddyPress ==
Introduction and overview of BuddyPress; what it is, why would I want to use it, examples of big sites using it, recommended plugins/themes.
Speaker: [http://twitter.com/pgibbs Paul Gibbs (DJPaul)]
== Developing & Theming with BuddyPress ==
Overview of the BuddyPress theme architecture.  How to adapt non-BuddyPress themes to work with BuddyPress.  Overview of creating BuddyPress plugins and the BuddyPress API.  In-depth example of extending the Groups(?) component.
Speaker: [http://twitter.com/pgibbs Paul Gibbs (DJPaul)]
== Grid ==
Any blank sessions at the beginning of WordCamp UK will be filled using a [http://barcamp.org/ BarCamp] [http://www.flickr.com/photos/adamcohenrose/3401785950/in/pool-barcamplondon grid]. Idea: [http://tonyscott.org.uk/ Tony Scott]
== Performance ==
WordPress performance. PHP, SQL and server fine-tuning. Idea/Probable speaker: [http://www.semiologic.com Denis de Bernardy]
== Open discussion ==
Open discussion on the weekend and next year's WordCamp UK. Speaker: [http://tonyscott.org.uk/ Tony Scott]
== Testing Strategies for WordPress ==
This session will look at testing strategies and tools used over a range of WordPress installations and plugins.
[http://nikolay.bg/ Nikolay Bachiyski] [http://profiles.wordpress.org/users/nbachiyski WP.org profile] from Automattic will share his experience with '''automated testing''' and show a couple of tools he is now using in [http://blog.glotpress.org/ GlotPress] and will be ported for WordPress.
I'd also like to '''crowdsource''' your experiences of WordPress testing. What worked well for you? When did you think ''"I wish I'd done that"'' after go-live? If you are a plugin developer, how do you test for each new WP release? Do you use any automated test tools?
Come along and be prepared to share your experiences with others.
Session co-ordinator: [http://twitter.com/johnthegeo John Adams]
== BackPress ==
What is it, Where has it come from, Where is it used, What can you use it for. Speaker: [http://peter.westwood.name Peter Westwood]
== "Canonical Plugins" - getting involved ==
What are they and how can you get involved. Speaker: [http://peter.westwood.name Peter Westwood]
== 10 min minis ==
5 x 10 minutes mini sessions - an invitation for attendeees to give a short session about anything WordPress related. Add your proposed session here. Speaker: [http://tonyscott.org.uk/ Tony Scott]
"Your Real Life Blogroll" - Getting your local community involved in Wordpress events, meetups and user groups. Speaker: [http://cloudsparting.co.uk/ Thomas Russell] on behalf of MWUG.
== WordPress - How Far Can You Go ==
A case study on how far you can scale WordPress, based on a site with over 10,000 registered users that sustained several million hits in a short period of time. Speaker [http://benjaminellis.org/ Benjamin Ellis]
== Building for Accessibility and getting ready for HTML 5 ==
Making your site make sense - Building better sites with WordPress for those with Disabilities - and getting ready for HTML 5. Speaker [http://benjaminellis.org/ Benjamin Ellis]
== Get traffic from SEO & social media ==
Use the best wordpress plugins to get you more traffic through SEO and social media. For end users and developers, get useful reference case studies to help you understand how to roll out a practical cost effective plan to get the best traffic to your wordpress site.
== How WordPress themes changed the world ==
Over the past 3 years the WordPress theme landscape has changed ''dramatically''. What started as a few key community members pumping out cool and interesting theme designs has turned into big business with huge turnovers and a truly worldwide scope.
This presentation/discussion will serve as a '''history lesson''' showing how the theme market has grown and how elements such as ''free themes, theme clubs, GPL'' and ''theme frameworks'' steered its evolution.
There will also be a look to the '''future''' of the theme market and WordPress theme technology with an open discussion to help engage the audience and gather different perspectives from the UK community.
Further dialogue has yet to be decided but a panel of theme buffs, developers and users will be on hand to ensure that all bases are covered.
*[http://www.mkjones.co.uk/ My (rarely updated) Blog]
*[http://twitter.com/mkjones/ Twitter]
*[http://www.base6design.com/ My Design Business - base6 Design]
== WordPress and more in Big Media (David Coveney) ==
My idea here is to lead a small panel, with a good length Q&A session, of people involved in what is likely to be one of the UK's largest WordPress projects of the year.  The challenges they face both from a technical and a content point of view.  On the panel will be myself, a developer and a journalist.  Maybe more.
Speaker: [http://www.interconnectit.com/ David Coveney]
== WordPress in the Enterprise II (David Coveney) ==
This is a follow-on to last year's well received WordPress in the Enterprise talk.  This time I would quite like to involve others who are involved in similar projects including, perhaps, one or two of our clients who could give their own insight into the problems and benefits that come with using WordPress within an Enterprise environment.
Speaker: [http://www.interconnectit.com/ David Coveney]
== Some projects from the last year ==
An overview of some projects I've worked on from the last year, covering aggregation, favouriting, individual comment archives and basic member profiles, integrating with iPad (and soon iPhone). Some pointers on WP_Http, the WP AJAX gateway, WP rewrites for cool URLs, and more.
Speaker: [http://www.simonwheatley.co.uk Simon Wheatley]
== Beyond Blogging ==
Taking your WordPress blog further; tips & tricks, music, events, social networking, exciting new plugins and more. Speaker: [http://www.kieranoshea.com/ Kieran O'Shea]
== Adopting WordPress for a group of Malta-related websites ==
Following on from attending WordCamp 2009 in Cardiff, a bunch of longstanding Malta-related websites are being moved to WordPress. These include [http://www.maltamedia.com/ MaltaMedia.com] [http://www.aboutmalta.com/ AboutMalta.com] and [http://www.maltafootball.com/wp/ MaltaFootball.com]. There are two or three others about to switch over in the coming months too. The proposed presentation for WordCamp 2010 in Manchester will be an opportunity to share what we've learned in balancing the needs of the team working on these sites since 1998 and the many new possibilities offered for disseminating the content through WordPress. In essence the presentation will outline the experiences of a web veteran who is a WP newbie.
Speaker: [http://www.tonisant.com/ Toni Sant]
== Extending Wp-e-Commerce ==
Following on from Dan Milwards presentation on Wp-e-Commerce last year at WordCamp Uk. This year Jeffry Ghazally will give you an update on what has been happening with this popular plugin, and show you how to extend Wp-e-Commerce the right way. Keeping WordPress and Wp-e-Commerce free from custom hacks, and adding in your new functionality into either WordPress Plugins or WPEC Upgrades.
Speaker: [http://getshopped.org Jeffry Ghazally]
== Keep the Law in Mind ==
Looking at potential legal issues that the ordinary blogger could be faced with, understanding what all the fuss about the GPL is, looking at Creative Commons and other such law related topics.
Speaker: [http://hanni.me Hanni Ross] [http://automattic.com/ Automattic]
== Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog ==
A session by the author of the recently published book [http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0470684151.html Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog]
Speaker: [http://tdh.me/ Thord Daniel Hedengren]
== Genius Bar ==
A range of WordPress experts will be available to advice attendees on a one-to-one basis.
== Designing WordPress 3.0 & Beyond ==
A talk looking at the design process for WordPress 3.0 and the inner workings of the WordPress UI group. This talk will explain how designers can contribute to the ongoing development of the WordPress UI and cover some of the upcoming plans and changes for the WordPress platform.
Speaker: [http://john.onolan.org John O'Nolan] - Deputy Head of WordPress Core UI Team
== WordPress for small nonprofits: an ideal solution? ==
Many small to medium sized community organisations are turning to WordPress to give them control over their website. This talk will look at the opportunities for both volunteering and paid work with nonprofits, assess the suitability of WordPress for these clients, and point out the resources that can help you succeed in this sector.
Speaker: [http://www.kingjason.co.uk Jason King] - [http://www.iT4Communities.org.uk iT4Communities]

Latest revision as of 00:31, 18 July 2010

Post session ideas for WordCamp UK 2010 below.

  • Each session is nominally 45 minutes long within a 1 hour period.
  • If it's a new proposed session add it below along with your name.
  • Precede names with flags to indicate:
    • Idea - My idea and looking for speakers.
    • Speaker - Will lead the session (if jointly post all names).
  • The deadline for additions is 29 January 2009.
  • To lead a session you must have a ticket for WordCamp UK 2010 and, obviously, be present for the relevant session.
  • The inclusion of any topic at the event will be confirmed by listing in the running order.
  • To avoid breaking links do not edit the previously posted h2 session headings on this page.
  • Always add new ideas at the end.


Teams build useful and WordPressy plugins etc and demonstrate the results to all attendees. Idea: Tony Scott

Session leader: Shaun Hare

If you're interested in taking part in this year's WordHack add your name and project idea.

Site doctors: Let the experts help you!

Does your site feel off-colour? We can help! An active group discussion on how to improve your site including some great tips and tricks for any WordPress user, designer or developer.

A call for sites to be submitted will be made nearer the conference - don't be scared, we are here to give you constructive feedback to improve your site.

Creative/CSS: Jonny Allbut (Jonnya)

WordPress Structure/Security: John Read (@Caridi)

General WordPress stuff: Mike Rawlins

PHP Coding - Templates/Plugins: Jordan Hatch (1jh)

Managing multiple WP instances

What are the challenges of managing multiple instances of WordPress on behalf of your clients/others? What strategies and tools do people use to manage these challenges? Follows on from the 2009 WordHack UnifiedDashboard session. Discussion forum rather than presentation. Speaker/discussion leader: John Adams.

WordPress theme frameworks and template tricks

This will be a session aimed at anyone interested WordPress template design - find out how to create your own unique, flexible design to set your site apart from the crowd! An introduction to theme file structure and logic, followed by a look at a theme framework and how to modify. I'll also cover some nice tips and tricks for more advanced theme developers. Speaker: Jonny Allbut (Jonnya)

Introduction to WordPress

Beginners start here - the basics compressed into 45 minutes! Idea: Tony Scott

Quickfire show and tell

An opportunity for all attendees to briefly introduce themselves. Also have board so attendees can post written details of name, URI, role (developer, blogger, etc) and tags for their interests. (I'll remember this time to hand over to Simon D if he wants to lead this session!) Idea: Tony Scott

Great Plugins (WOW Plugins?)

Showcase of really useful and excellent plugins people may have missed or are just unaware of. For example the much talked about RoleScoper plugin which was highlighted during my NHS presentation and the new Inline-Comment tool being developed by Mike Little. Idea: Michael Kimb Jones

Introduction to BuddyPress

Introduction and overview of BuddyPress; what it is, why would I want to use it, examples of big sites using it, recommended plugins/themes. Speaker: Paul Gibbs (DJPaul)

Developing & Theming with BuddyPress

Overview of the BuddyPress theme architecture. How to adapt non-BuddyPress themes to work with BuddyPress. Overview of creating BuddyPress plugins and the BuddyPress API. In-depth example of extending the Groups(?) component. Speaker: Paul Gibbs (DJPaul)


Any blank sessions at the beginning of WordCamp UK will be filled using a BarCamp grid. Idea: Tony Scott


WordPress performance. PHP, SQL and server fine-tuning. Idea/Probable speaker: Denis de Bernardy

Open discussion

Open discussion on the weekend and next year's WordCamp UK. Speaker: Tony Scott

Testing Strategies for WordPress

This session will look at testing strategies and tools used over a range of WordPress installations and plugins.

Nikolay Bachiyski WP.org profile from Automattic will share his experience with automated testing and show a couple of tools he is now using in GlotPress and will be ported for WordPress.

I'd also like to crowdsource your experiences of WordPress testing. What worked well for you? When did you think "I wish I'd done that" after go-live? If you are a plugin developer, how do you test for each new WP release? Do you use any automated test tools?

Come along and be prepared to share your experiences with others.

Session co-ordinator: John Adams


What is it, Where has it come from, Where is it used, What can you use it for. Speaker: Peter Westwood

"Canonical Plugins" - getting involved

What are they and how can you get involved. Speaker: Peter Westwood

10 min minis

5 x 10 minutes mini sessions - an invitation for attendeees to give a short session about anything WordPress related. Add your proposed session here. Speaker: Tony Scott

"Your Real Life Blogroll" - Getting your local community involved in Wordpress events, meetups and user groups. Speaker: Thomas Russell on behalf of MWUG.

WordPress - How Far Can You Go

A case study on how far you can scale WordPress, based on a site with over 10,000 registered users that sustained several million hits in a short period of time. Speaker Benjamin Ellis

Building for Accessibility and getting ready for HTML 5

Making your site make sense - Building better sites with WordPress for those with Disabilities - and getting ready for HTML 5. Speaker Benjamin Ellis

Get traffic from SEO & social media

Use the best wordpress plugins to get you more traffic through SEO and social media. For end users and developers, get useful reference case studies to help you understand how to roll out a practical cost effective plan to get the best traffic to your wordpress site.

How WordPress themes changed the world

Over the past 3 years the WordPress theme landscape has changed dramatically. What started as a few key community members pumping out cool and interesting theme designs has turned into big business with huge turnovers and a truly worldwide scope.

This presentation/discussion will serve as a history lesson showing how the theme market has grown and how elements such as free themes, theme clubs, GPL and theme frameworks steered its evolution.

There will also be a look to the future of the theme market and WordPress theme technology with an open discussion to help engage the audience and gather different perspectives from the UK community.

Further dialogue has yet to be decided but a panel of theme buffs, developers and users will be on hand to ensure that all bases are covered.

WordPress and more in Big Media (David Coveney)

My idea here is to lead a small panel, with a good length Q&A session, of people involved in what is likely to be one of the UK's largest WordPress projects of the year. The challenges they face both from a technical and a content point of view. On the panel will be myself, a developer and a journalist. Maybe more.

Speaker: David Coveney

WordPress in the Enterprise II (David Coveney)

This is a follow-on to last year's well received WordPress in the Enterprise talk. This time I would quite like to involve others who are involved in similar projects including, perhaps, one or two of our clients who could give their own insight into the problems and benefits that come with using WordPress within an Enterprise environment.

Speaker: David Coveney

Some projects from the last year

An overview of some projects I've worked on from the last year, covering aggregation, favouriting, individual comment archives and basic member profiles, integrating with iPad (and soon iPhone). Some pointers on WP_Http, the WP AJAX gateway, WP rewrites for cool URLs, and more.

Speaker: Simon Wheatley

Beyond Blogging

Taking your WordPress blog further; tips & tricks, music, events, social networking, exciting new plugins and more. Speaker: Kieran O'Shea

Adopting WordPress for a group of Malta-related websites

Following on from attending WordCamp 2009 in Cardiff, a bunch of longstanding Malta-related websites are being moved to WordPress. These include MaltaMedia.com AboutMalta.com and MaltaFootball.com. There are two or three others about to switch over in the coming months too. The proposed presentation for WordCamp 2010 in Manchester will be an opportunity to share what we've learned in balancing the needs of the team working on these sites since 1998 and the many new possibilities offered for disseminating the content through WordPress. In essence the presentation will outline the experiences of a web veteran who is a WP newbie.

Speaker: Toni Sant

Extending Wp-e-Commerce

Following on from Dan Milwards presentation on Wp-e-Commerce last year at WordCamp Uk. This year Jeffry Ghazally will give you an update on what has been happening with this popular plugin, and show you how to extend Wp-e-Commerce the right way. Keeping WordPress and Wp-e-Commerce free from custom hacks, and adding in your new functionality into either WordPress Plugins or WPEC Upgrades.

Speaker: Jeffry Ghazally

Keep the Law in Mind

Looking at potential legal issues that the ordinary blogger could be faced with, understanding what all the fuss about the GPL is, looking at Creative Commons and other such law related topics.

Speaker: Hanni Ross Automattic

Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog

A session by the author of the recently published book Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog

Speaker: Thord Daniel Hedengren

Genius Bar

A range of WordPress experts will be available to advice attendees on a one-to-one basis.

Designing WordPress 3.0 & Beyond

A talk looking at the design process for WordPress 3.0 and the inner workings of the WordPress UI group. This talk will explain how designers can contribute to the ongoing development of the WordPress UI and cover some of the upcoming plans and changes for the WordPress platform.

Speaker: John O'Nolan - Deputy Head of WordPress Core UI Team

WordPress for small nonprofits: an ideal solution?

Many small to medium sized community organisations are turning to WordPress to give them control over their website. This talk will look at the opportunities for both volunteering and paid work with nonprofits, assess the suitability of WordPress for these clients, and point out the resources that can help you succeed in this sector.

Speaker: Jason King - iT4Communities