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20. [http://www.chrisunitt.co.uk Chris Unitt] Birmingham resident with a badge that says 'I'm Here To Help'.
20. [http://www.chrisunitt.co.uk Chris Unitt] Birmingham resident with a badge that says 'I'm Here To Help'.
21. [http://andrewdubber.com Andrew Dubber] I'll be there. Will be asking Pete, Stef and Nick 'How can I be helpful?' Might start Compulsive Wordpress Site Instigators support group.

Revision as of 23:51, 17 April 2008

We're currently making these assumptions following discussion on the WorkCamp UK mailing list:

   * Dates - Saturday and Sunday 19-20 July 2008
   * Location -  Birmingham

Could everyone indicate if they can attend WordCamp UK, making these assumptions, by adding their name below.

This will enable more detailed planning such as booking a suitable venue.

It would be useful if responses could be made by 1200 (GMT) on Friday 18 April 2008 at the latest.

You must login or register (top right hand corner) before you can edit pages on this site.

1. Geoff Jones Willing to help with accountancy and VAT

2. Sue Bailey, willing to help with anything except accountancy and VAT.

3. David Coveney from Interconnect IT Happy to provide expert speaker from a commercial background, developer information (probably through colleague James Whitehead), may also be able to offer some sponsorship.

4. Tony Scott

5. Neville Hobson also willing to help with just about anything except accountancy and VAT.

6. Vixx Willing to help with anything - am a WP theme designer with several years experience as a WP user and enthusiast.

7. Graham Gilbert

8. Holly Doyne Long standing practice at running on-site reg for events. Willing to help where ever else.

9. Ian Covey - Feels obliged to say he'll help but not sure what he can do ;0)

10. Colin Ogilvie - from PlusNet.

11. Christopher Weddell

12. Jordan Hatch - Willing to help with wiki/website/online stuff

13. Andrew Rickmann - I will definitely attend at least one of the days.

14. Stef Lewandowski - I can possibly help with sorting a venue out, promoting it around Birmingham, potentially finding some cash to fund speakers, hotels, flights etc. and generally making everyone feel welcome in our city!

15. Pete Ashton - Same as Stef only with much less speed and efficiency and a lot more faffing. But not the funding.

16. Nick Booth - Same as Stef and Pete - but a lot more like Pete. Excited.

17. Jon Bounds - will help, is probably less good at most of this stuff than others already offering. ;)

18. graphiquillan Tentative attendance confirmation. Usually about as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike, but is good a co-ordinating cakes. May regret saying this.

19. Simon Howes

20. Chris Unitt Birmingham resident with a badge that says 'I'm Here To Help'.

21. Andrew Dubber I'll be there. Will be asking Pete, Stef and Nick 'How can I be helpful?' Might start Compulsive Wordpress Site Instigators support group.