WordCampUK 2009 venue

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Debate is now in progress about where WordCamp UK 09 will be held. The proposals are as follows and the deadline for proposals has now passed, so these are the three we're choosing from.

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In alphabetical order:


From an email to the WordCamp UK list by Hayley Niuserre:

I've updated the PDF and it's available here (the old link should also redirect): http://www.box.net/shared/ms4x5tnlq5

A basic summary is that the prices and break evens are now as follows (including a BE for the lower £15 ticket option):

Option One (max. 130) Cost = £1552.50 BE@£15 = 124 BE@£20 = 89 BE@£25 = 69

Option Two (max. 200) Cost = £1955.00 BE@£15 = 156 BE@£20 = 112 BE@£25 = 87

Option Three (max. 200-250 - unconference style) Cost = £2242.50 BE@£15 = 179 BE@£20 = 128 BE@£25 = 100


From an email to the WordCamp UK list by David Coveney:

I haven’t added catering costs in – but from experience CUC are very flexible and there’s nothing to stop us bringing our own boxes of drinks and snacks along for everyone. So I’ll leave that as open for discussion. I’ve also tried to give some pros and cons.

The pdf: http://www.davesgonemental.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/worcamp-uk-2009-proposal.pdf

My blog post about it: http://www.davesgonemental.com/wordcamp-uk-2009-to-liverpool/


From an email to the WordCamp UK list by Jeff Van Campen:

I've been investigating a number of suggested venues in London. After contacting and considering nearly a dozen venues, I have narrowed it down to a single venue (recommended by Richard Johnson, who atteneded last year's WordCamp):


Loose Cannons is is situated in three railway arches. Usually used for events such a poker tournaments, it is ideally set up for a conference the size and style of WordCamp UK 2009.

Their largest room, The Great Hall, will accomodate 150 people theatre style. Their Central Hall ( divided from Gt.Hall by brick arches) can seat 75 people, which is ideal for break-out sessions.

They have wi-fi internet access, a P/A. system with roving mike, and projection and 8'x6' screen.

They are two minutes walk from Cannon St station (District and Circle Lines), and only 5 minutes walk from both Monument and Bank tube stations (Central and Norther Lines).

There is a large reception area; ideal for registration.

During weekends many of the roads in the area allow free parking on single yellow lines. But there is also a NCP car park, with barriers and video surveillance, cost being £7 all day less 25% for which they offer discount tickets.

There are a 3 hotels in the immediate vicinity. In addition, we would be just across the river from Southbank, which offers a wide variety of pubs, bars and restaurants:


The charge for the Great Hall and Central hall would be £1850 per day. This would come to £3700 for the entire event. This would mean at £25 / ticket, the breakeven point would be at 148 attendees, just under the number of attendees the estimated number of attendees.