Charlie Markwick
I live and work in Gloucester. I have been knocking around IT for more years that I care to remember and have also had a dual career in Social Work. I turn my hand to many things. Amongst these are PHP, ASP, MySQL, Project Management, design, domain registration and hosting. I don't count myself as being a master in any of these. I'm a firm believer in trying to make sure that everyone understands what I say, that way they have a better chance of point out to me where I've gone wrong.
I'm relatively new to Wordpress and love its flexibility even if at times I swear and pull my hair out as I try and get something working.
As much as I love IT it's what it does for people that really drives me and it would be good to meet up with local
Work Details
Personal Details
Born in 1955 and I'm a Stepfather and Grandfather and love every moment of it. Relaxing is reading, walking and being with family or friends.