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Revision as of 12:49, 21 July 2009 by Interconnectit (Talk | contribs) (Profile for David Coveney/Interconnect IT)

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Interconnect IT is really David Coveney with James Whitehead doing much of the coding in the background. I'm an old time developer who's been through each of the mainframe/client-server/thin-client/web-application hype cycles. Which means that I have to be soooo careful to make sure I don't go "yeah yeah, heard it all before!" whenever I hear the bright new generation go on about it.

But each new generation always has something to add....

We've developed or worked on some of the leading sites running WordPress in the UK with the one we're most proud of right now being

We also run as a part-time project which may start to get some more serious investment in the coming months. Let's see!