2011 running order

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WordCamp Portsmouth UK 2011 running order version 0.1

  • Sessions must be listed on the content ideas page before being added below.
  • Each session is nominally 50 minutes long within a 1 hour period.
  • In rooms 2 and 3 half hour sessions can be scheduled starting on the hour and half hour.
  • Please note to run a session you must be a WordCamp Portsmouth UK 2011 attendee (ie have a ticket).
  • The event will take place at the University of Portsmouth, University House, Winston Churchill Avenue, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO1 2UP.
  • Blank sessions will be filled by the grid on Saturday morning.
  • RM1 indicates everyone in Room 1.
Time Room 1: General & keynote Room 2: Developer, specialist & advanced Room 3: Beginner, miscelleaneus & spontaneous Room 4: Genius Bar
Saturday 16 July 2011
0930-0950 Registration/coffee Grid RM1 RM1 RM1
0950-1000 Introduction Tony Scott RM1 RM1 RM1
1000-1100 TBA Tony Scott RM1 RM1 RM1
1100-1200 WordPress Beginners Hands-on Workshop
1300-1430 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
1430-1530 WordHack
1530-1630 WordHack
1630-1730 WordHack
1730-1800 End of day 1 wrap up Tony Scott RM1 RM1 RM1
Sunday 17 July 2011
0950-1000 Introduction Tony Scott RM1 RM1 RM1
1300-1430 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch