2011 content ideas

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Revision as of 07:47, 20 July 2010 by Michael Atkins (Talk | contribs) (Installing WordPress locally on your Mac (or PC))

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Post session ideas for WordCamp UK 2011 below.

Please note the name of the follow-up to WordCamp UK 2010 may be subject to change.

  • Precede names with flags to indicate:
    • Idea - My idea and looking for speakers.
    • Speaker - Will lead the session (if jointly post all names).
  • Tag ideas with type and level
  • To lead a session you must have a ticket for the event and, obviously, be present for the relevant session.
  • To avoid breaking links do not edit the previously posted h2 session headings on this page.
  • Always add new ideas at the end.


Teams build useful and WordPressy plugins etc and demonstrate the results to all attendees. Idea: Tony Scott Tags: developer, advanced

WordPress in Education - A Case Study Example

Currently thinking about presenting how I have integrated the use of WordPress on an Education website used by a number of students in a school. A history of how the website developed and grew from a static HTML site to a complex WordPress content management system using WordPress as the CMS. Also intend to touch a little about how the site has been integrated with Windows 2008 Server and how users are authenticated by their network login. The content really depends on how far I get with the site over the coming year. Idea: Mark WIlkinson @equalmark Tags: developer, Intermediate, Designer

How to structure your site

Talking about the ways to work out which Wordpress features you'd use to structure your site, and best represent your business/ideas on the site. It would cover things like:

  • When to use categories, or tags, or custom taxonomies
  • Posts vs pages vs custom post types
  • Content vs widgets vs secondary loops
  • Plugins that can help with the above

I'd do it as a case-study of some existing sites I've built showing how I used the flexibility WP has to build to meet the "business-need". Idea: Lee Willis @leewillis77 Tags: Beginner, Intermediate

Installing WordPress locally on your Mac (or PC)

A session aimed at non-technical people who may or may not already have a live installation of WordPress on a web server at a hosting company, but would like to run a local server on their desktop/laptop to practice on, develop on, test on or to check that their backups are restorable.

There won't be time to cover this for Mac, windows and linux, but I'd cover one OS in detail and make documentation available for OSX, WIndows and Ubuntu.

Depending on the time available I would like to cover: • Why you would want a local version of WordPress • installation of required server software adding MySQL to the default Apache & PHP in OSX (or MAMP, WAMP, XAMPP) • Enabling and Setting up virtual hosts in apache to enable multiple sites to be hosted locally • Set up local MySQL databases using PhpMyAdmin • Install WordPress using a MySQL db we just set up • Clone a live site to a local version & vice-versa

The aim would be to present this in as simple a manner as possible. Everything covered in the presentation would be made available in a downloadable step-by-step pdf with screenshots.

Idea: Michael Atkins @cubecolour Tags: beginner, server