2008 spread the word

From WPUK wiki
Revision as of 06:10, 21 June 2008 by Ninjaboy (Talk | contribs)

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This is the page detailing everything people can do to help promote WordCamp UK.

There are a lot of people that may not be able to dedicate resources to the actual event, but may be happy to spend a bit of time in forums, blogs, stumbleupon etc.

Here are some ideas to help spread the word, please add any other ideas you may have.

LETS BE CLEAR ON ONE THING THOUGH, this is NOT a spamming campaign! Just do your bit to make sure no-one misses out on the opportunity of attending this years event!!

1) Tell all your friends... obviously!! Anyone from the casual blogger right upto developer and everyone in-between will get a-lot from WordCampUK!

2) Make a post on your blog, with links to this wiki - using the tag 'wordcampuk' if possible.

3) Start a new thread on the forums you visit, and respond accordingly to any responses.

4) Change your forum signature (just for the next few weeks!) to promote WordCampUK, with the date, links to this wiki and the mailing list. Remember that every post/thread you have ever made on that forum will change... This is a great way to spread the word, and takes 30 seconds!

5) Enter your blog, template design or plugin into The Humphrey Awards. NEW - This is going to build up to be a great competition, with awards ceremony to be held during WordCamp UK so get going guys!