2008 sponsorship ideas

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Revision as of 06:51, 7 May 2008 by WikiSysop (Talk | contribs) (Why sponsor WordCamp UK?)

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Types of sponsorship

A company sponsors a plugin/s the community really wants and in return gets a good weblink/editorial comment from the bloggers using the new plugin.

Put up a cash prize for the winning theme, sponsor has a footer link in the theme template.

Why sponsor WordCamp UK?

I think if the event is looking for sponsorship then the whole thing has to be packaged up to include:

  1. What the event is
  2. What will be happening (a break down of talks / seminars / etc)
  3. Type of people attending (numbers / demographic / kind of jobs they do)
  4. What kind of sponsor opps are available:
    1. bespoke packages (sponsoring the whole event
    2. sponsoring an element of the event
    3. sponsoring travel
    4. accomodation
    5. drinks
    6. hospitatlity
  5. What publicity may be produced to go with the event
  6. What the offer is:
    1. Your logo on x amount of flyers
    2. Your logo on x blog that has x amount of visitors
    3. You publicity material available to all delegates

If we can get all that info packaged it can be sent to (just examples) hotels / airlines (if needed) / virgin trains / hosting companies / software people, etc.