2008 sponsorship ideas

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Revision as of 13:53, 6 June 2008 by Ninjaboy (Talk | contribs) (Why sponsor WordCamp UK?)

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Types of sponsorship

A company sponsors a plugin/s the community really wants and in return gets a good weblink/editorial comment from the bloggers using the new plugin.

Put up a cash prize for the winning theme, sponsor has a footer link in the theme template.

A "sponser a speaker" drive, where individuals or companies can pay for attendance of any third party that is contributing to the camp. I'm able to speak and pay my way, however some who would make good speakers might find the cost a bit steep. It would be a shame to lose out on such talent (if anyone really does fall into this category). Open source doesn't pay directly, so folks further along the food chain may be voluntarily willing to help here if there is a distinct noticable benefit.

Why sponsor WordCamp UK?

I think if the event is looking for sponsorship then the whole thing has to be packaged up to include:

  • What the event is
    • WordCamp UK is an informal gathering of WordPress bloggers, podcasters, designers and developers based in the United Kingdom.
    • Since this is the first WordCamp UK refer to previous events internationally
  • What will be happening (a break down of talks / seminars / etc)
  • Type of people attending (numbers / demographic / kind of jobs they do)
    • Need to carry out a survey of those listed at Attendees
  • What kind of sponsor oppertunities are available:
    • bespoke packages (sponsoring the whole event)
      • Main element of sponsorship covering cost of venue and related items
    • Sponsoring an element of the event
    • Sponsoring travel
      • Best to leave to individuals
    • Accomodation
      • Best to leave to individuals - range of cheap accommodation already detailed
    • Drinks
      • Saturday night social sponsorship?
    • Hospitatlity
      • Saturday night social sponsorship?
  • What publicity may be produced to go with the event
    • WordCamp UK site
    • As organisation of event progresses post updates that are picked up by WordPress Dashboard news
    • Viral email campaign
    • Blog posts by those attending and others
    • Forum posts, discussion and support
    • Hard copy for attendees
  • What the offer is:
    • Your logo on x amount of flyers
    • Your logo on x amount of schedule of events material (TBC)
      • Hard copy for attendees
    • Your logo on x blog that has x amount of visitors
      • Blog posts by those attending and agree to post with sponsor logo (Research in-process via mailing list, please contribute support!)
    • You publicity material available to all delegates
      • Hard copy for attendees

If we can get all that info packaged it can be sent to (just examples) hotels / airlines (if needed) / virgin trains / hosting companies / software people, etc.

Potential Sponsors

- PlusNet - Dependant on answers to the above question.

- Wordpress CMS modifications - I have a resellers account with a well established hosting company (UK based). I will be willing to put up 2 free 12 month hosting contracts (250mb storage/3 gig bandwidth/php/mySql/5 email accounts) in exchange for plugin development (CMS centric - ideas welcome!). This would be sponsored by my WordPress CMS site with full credit and linkback for authors and WordCamp UK 2008. The plugin would be GPL Licensed and be hosted within WordPress Plugins Directory/subversion repository for use by the wider WordPress community.

- Interconnect IT - we will be willing to sponsor to a small level either as Interconnect IT or, if we launch in time, under the brand for our forthcoming WordPress Themes Club. We'll be able to also give up to 5x 6 month memberships to prize winners in any competitions - these will be worth as much as £50 each.

- Heart Internet - Richard Williams has written to them and will let the mailing list know if he receives a response.