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(WordPress is not a blog)
(WordPress is not a blog)
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Alternative uses - podcasting, vlogging, galleries, CMS
Alternative uses - podcasting, vlogging, galleries, CMS
* Possible speaker: [http://www.wp-cms.com/ Jonnya]  - I have been creating websites with WordPress for over 3 years and have some good commercial examples of how to use WordPress as a CMS. In addition to this I recently launched a site dedicated to helping people use WordPress as a CMS [http://www.wp-cms.com/ WordPress CMS Modifications]. I would be happy to do around a 30-45min presentation on this subject with good supporting examples etc. I am leasing with Simon Dickson on this by email to ensure our individual presentations cover different subject matter within the context of this subject.
* Possible speaker: [http://www.wp-cms.com/ Jonnya]  - I have been creating websites with WordPress for over 3 years and have some good commercial examples of how to use WordPress as a CMS. In addition to this I recently launched a site dedicated to helping people use WordPress as a CMS [http://www.wp-cms.com/ WordPress CMS Modifications]. I would be happy to do around a 30-45min presentation on this subject with good supporting examples etc. I am leasing with Simon Dickson (also offered to present on this subject) on this by email to ensure our individual presentations cover different subject matter within the context of this subject.
* Possible speaker: [http://puffbox.com/ Simon Dickson] - I run a web consultancy which specialises in government work, and now concentrates almost exclusively on building stuff in WordPress, with or without blog elements. Got a few sites to demo / talk through, including one or two which will be big news.
* Possible speaker: [http://puffbox.com/ Simon Dickson] - I run a web consultancy which specialises in government work, and now concentrates almost exclusively on building stuff in WordPress, with or without blog elements. Got a few sites to demo / talk through, including one or two which will be big news.

Revision as of 16:18, 28 May 2008

If you're interested in speaking on any of these subjects:

  • Add you name and contact details after the relevant subject below
  • If it's a new subject add it below along with your details

Business blogs using WordPress

How blogging for your business can be a very effective marketing tool

Getting involved with WordPress

Development, themes, plugins, codex, testing

  • Getting Involved with WordPress - Discussion on how to get involved with development/documentation/testing etc. - Peter Westwood

WordPress is not a blog

Alternative uses - podcasting, vlogging, galleries, CMS

  • Possible speaker: Jonnya - I have been creating websites with WordPress for over 3 years and have some good commercial examples of how to use WordPress as a CMS. In addition to this I recently launched a site dedicated to helping people use WordPress as a CMS WordPress CMS Modifications. I would be happy to do around a 30-45min presentation on this subject with good supporting examples etc. I am leasing with Simon Dickson (also offered to present on this subject) on this by email to ensure our individual presentations cover different subject matter within the context of this subject.
  • Possible speaker: Simon Dickson - I run a web consultancy which specialises in government work, and now concentrates almost exclusively on building stuff in WordPress, with or without blog elements. Got a few sites to demo / talk through, including one or two which will be big news.

Writing for blogs

Content, style, attracting and connecting with readers

Blogging and journalism

Differences, similarities, citizen journalism, bloggers learning from journalism and vice versa

WordPress wishlist

Future features, changes

Living from your blog

Advertising, professional blogging, offering WP support and services, platform for job

  • Possible speaker: Chris Garrett - If no-one else is already lined up, and I understand this topic correctly, this would be about making a living and earning money from blogging,? I could talk about this as I write and speak about creating a niche profile to sell products and services at my blog chrisg.com and wrote about direct/indirect monetization with Darren Rowse in the ProBlogger Book

Blog design

Usability, web standards, microformats, SEO, themes

  • Possible Speaker: Michael Martin - I write solely about blog design on my blog (Click the name to visit), and I would talk about things like what makes a design good, how to create a design from scratch, and common pitfalls for blog designs.

Open Source

WordPress and the Open Source movement, future of Wordpress and Open Source, Open Source software counterparts, proprietary vs GPL themes and plugins

Choosing web hosting

UK based or cheap US hosting, Fantastico, 'unlimited' bandwidth caps, best hosting deals.

Walking with WordPress

WordPress & mobile technology, adapting to a mobile audience, microblogging, mobile phone integration, live video

  • Possible speaker: Richard Williams - I'm doing the Wainwright inspired Coast-to-Coast Walk (192 miles in 12 days) mid-June this year with two friends. We'll be using mobile technology and WordPress to keep family, friends and colleagues up to date with our progress.

WordPress in education

Blogging SE and HE, Wordpress as a VLE or or platform for informal learning, Worpress and outreach

Wordpress MU

Blog networks, development, as a community building platform, future

  • Brenda Burrell - currently teaching a network of artists WP/blogging as an aid to collaboration, scaling and resource development.


Defeating spam, spam prevention, new spam cultures, spam tasting

Theme and plugin security

Why it matters where you get your themes & plugins from, and what you can do about it if you're not code savvy.


What sort of bifurcation is going to take place between Wordpress.com and Wordpress.org and how it could impact businesses who use WordPress as a platform.

Scaling WordPress

Ways to deal with high traffic websites, how to scale a WordPress implementation.

Large companies

How developers should deal with approaches from large companies who are taking an interest in WP, having previously mostly dealt with SMEs and similar.

  • Possible speaker: Simon Dickson My company does almost all its work for central government, and almost all on WordPress these days. Some of it obviously 'blog', some not. Happy to talk about my experiences 'selling' WP-based work. Might be better in the 'non-blog' stream, but I'm happy to be flexible, or even do two slots.

Hiring a WordPress professional

How to hire a WordPress professional, what to avoid, and what to look for.


Dealing with pluginitus (the syndrome of attaching every damn plugin available to a WP site!)

Code Surgery Session

A WP Code Surgery session might be good. It should feature people with experience and informed opinion on how to write good PHP/XML/XHTML/CSS _and_ knowledge of the WP API. The aim should be to do what the forum/codex does, but face to face, for all those problems that don't get sorted because (often) the user doesn't know how to ask the question until they know the answer.

bbPress/WordPress integration and the future of bbPress

  • I hope to talk about or demonstrate bbPress/WordPress integration, and talk a little about it's future directions etc. Sambauers 16:04, 25 April 2008 (UTC)

Developing a plugin on site

I quite fancy a 'build a plugin' breakout group - something that could be going on alongside the sessions, drop-in and out. Come up with ideas, see if we can see it through over the weekend.

I'm not a crash hot coder, but I think it could be good, and really help with understanding the WP codex. Jon Bounds

SEO for wordpress

I've built a 350k unique user a month wordpress blog and it gets about 70% of its traffic from search engines. I'm also successful with affiliate marketing and so I'd like to share my knowledge with you on this, giving some practical advice on how to get ranked and make money through your wordpress blog. Nick Garner

CSS and HTML for WordPress Beginners

If we want to appeal to those just starting out, we need at least one session that can address the very basics of CSS and HTML for those who want to branch out from a stock theme and make some of their own changes. This session would not assume any prior programming knowledge. Holly

I can help with this. JordanH 23:03, 16 May 2008 (UTC)

Blogging in the local community

An open discussion on how blogging / wordpress can be utilised within local communities. Adult education / informal learning / worklessness & unemployment / family learning / other social / community realted issues. Prompted by the NBSE project.